Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As you have read in my last three posts, I love a lot of things! I also have a lot of FAVORITES!

Story time:) So we were pretty much snowed in at my house and I finally decide its time to take down our Christmas decorations. However, I was so not motivated! I was on the lap top so I decided to burn a new CD with some sweet music to help me get motivated to clean. As I am sitting there going through songs....

Me: "AHHHH, This is my new FAVORITE song! Hun, you should learn how to play this on your guitar!"

A few minutes later...

Me: "EWWW, I have to have this song on here, It is my FAVORITE Rascal Flatt's song"

A few minutes later....

Me: "AW man, This song wont fit and its my FAVORITE!"

Nicholas: "Babe, just so you know, you have said that every song on that CD is your FAVORITE! I think you'll be okay without that one!"

And again, In primary my calling is the chorister and I LOVE IT!!! I have so much fun and the kids are amazing! I taught the kids the song Lift Up Your Voice and Sing on my first Sunday teaching. Well when I taught them I told them that it was my FAVORITE primary song, because it is... A few weeks later we are singing a new Christmas song and I shout out that it is my FAVORITE song. One of the kids raised their hand and with a confused look on their face said,

"But, Sister Mallory I thought Lift Up Your Voice and Sing was your FAVORITE song???"

So I have A LOT, A LOT, of FAVORITES, especially when it comes to music and movies! There are just to many good ones to only have ONE FAVORITE!

(Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry but this is not a problem. Yes, and we LOVE you in Primary, you are doing a great job and the kids love you!