Friday, December 12, 2008


K, so i pretty much have the coolest, sweetest, awesomest husband ever!!! He is always trying to surprise me, because he knows i hate surprises. Now your wondering why i think he is so great... Well i told my mom that i would babysit for her so she could go to the Celine Dion concert with my aunt Tiff. Nicholas, as we were getting ready to leave to come babysit, kept making comments about how it was going to be such a long day, and how it was going to be so hard, and there are so many kids. I was like whats your deal? Its not that hard and there really aren't that many kids. Come to find out that he had gotten with aunt Tiff and got me a ticket to the concert for Christmas! I had no idea! I'm sittin on the floor in jeans and a T-shirt when my mom was getting ready to leave so i get up to get instructions and she said lets go! I couldn't beleive it, i was so shocked! It was the coolest, sweetest, awesomest surprise ever! I love you Nicholas, and you did an amazing job babysitting all those kids!


Aunt Tiff said...

I Love your blog overload!! I love your tree, it is super cute. I am glad that everything in Idaho went well. And I am SO glad you got to come go to Celine Dion with us!!

Paul and Celeste Johnson said...

What a sweet husband! I bet that was amazing! :) Also very fun new posts, and I know what you mean when you say how fun it was putting up your Christmas tree! Paul and I made it a date night when we got our tree and it was so fun and special putting the tree, decorations and everything up!. We are so excited for our first Christmas together!. Well girl, I hope everything is going great for you guys! <3

Anonymous said...

Hey glad I found your blog. I'm glad you guys had fun at the concert, that's great of Nicholas. Your guys are great and so cute!